traditional art

24x32" - oil on canvas

18x24" - Composited digital painting created in Adobe Photoshop

18x24" - Digital painting created in Adobe Photoshop showing a concept for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

About 10x10x12" - Fused glass

18x24" - Created from an 8x8 square of black cardstock.

10x12", prismacolor - Created a dystopian inspired haunted house. Had to establish whether it was a dystopia or utopia based on composition and color scheme.

Created branding for an imaginary olive oil company called Pressed Pits. This included a logo breakdown, business card, and packaging. Used Adobe Illustrator.

Created a logo for the First Presbyterian Church youth group in El Dorado, AR using Adobe Illustrator.

Created a logo for the First Presbyterian Church in El Dorado, AR using Adobe Illustrator.